Defunct Central PSU becomes centrepiece of alternative industrial development model by Kerala
The first load of paper, rolled out by the unit, was flagged off by Finance Minister K.N. Balagopal at a function presided over by Industries minister …
Source: New feed
Defunct Central PSU becomes centrepiece of alternative industrial development model by Kerala
Prologis to acquire 14msf Blackstone industrial portfolio in .1bn deal – The Loadstar … million square feet of industrial properties from opportunistic real estate funds affiliated with Blackstone for $3.1 billion, funded by cash. Source: New feed Prologis to acquire 14msf Blackstone industrial portfolio in .1bn deal – The Loadstar
GLP Japan Development Partners IV snaps up prime industrial land in Tokyo Yoshiyuki Chosa, president, Japan at GLP Capital Partners, said: “GLP ALFALINK Akishima sets a new industry benchmark, not just in terms of its size … Source: New feed GLP Japan Development Partners IV snaps up prime industrial land in Tokyo
Edison Industrial Center sells for .275M | Maryland Daily Record DNL 1825 Edison LLC announced the acquisition of Edison Industrial Center in northeast Baltimore. Source: New feed Edison Industrial Center sells for .275M | Maryland Daily Record