Industrial landlord PFI’s property portfolio rises 9.6 per cent in value to .45 billion
That follows bigger industrial landlord Goodman Property Trust reporting a 6 per cent rise in its properties over six months to September 30, 2019.
Source: New feed
Industrial landlord PFI’s property portfolio rises 9.6 per cent in value to .45 billion
Prologis to acquire 14msf Blackstone industrial portfolio in .1bn deal – The Loadstar … million square feet of industrial properties from opportunistic real estate funds affiliated with Blackstone for $3.1 billion, funded by cash. Source: New feed Prologis to acquire 14msf Blackstone industrial portfolio in .1bn deal – The Loadstar
GLP Japan Development Partners IV snaps up prime industrial land in Tokyo Yoshiyuki Chosa, president, Japan at GLP Capital Partners, said: “GLP ALFALINK Akishima sets a new industry benchmark, not just in terms of its size … Source: New feed GLP Japan Development Partners IV snaps up prime industrial land in Tokyo
Edison Industrial Center sells for .275M | Maryland Daily Record DNL 1825 Edison LLC announced the acquisition of Edison Industrial Center in northeast Baltimore. Source: New feed Edison Industrial Center sells for .275M | Maryland Daily Record